1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Femicide is the epidemic of our time, and Dawn Wilcox, full-time nurse based in Texas, is fighting single-handedly to end it.
In 2017, Wilcox founded Women Count USA, a national database and femicide census of women and girls murdered by men in the United States.
This riveting episode is packed with data and resources for victims of domestic violence.
R. also vulnerably shares some of her own experience as a survivor of marriage to a narcissistic sociopath, and details how to spot the signs of a narcissist in relationship. She details gaslighting, love bombing, and ways to help someone in such a situation to escape.

Domestic Violence Survival Song,
played on this episode


* 12 Step Program for healing betrayal bonds of domestic violence survivors: Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous

* Betrayal Bonds: Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships, a book by Patrick Carnes that details the bizarre ways our brains actually change to bond us to our abusers

* Noonlight App for safety: Dials 911 and sends emergency services to your location with the push of a button

* WomensLaw.org Plain-language legal information for abuse victims seeking protection

* RightsofWomen.org.co.uk: Talkin’ about Coercive Control: A subtle form of domestic abuse that is now illegal in the UK

* CBSNEWS.com Article on the Alabama man who murdered his ex, 3 other people, and himself, after his ex-wife tried twice to obtain protection orders

* Mayo Clinic Article on Narcissistic Personality Disorder


* Cold Podcast: I was addicted to this for a while. The true story of Josh Powell, a narcissist who emotionally manipulated his wife for years, then brutally and horrifically murdered her, got away with the murder, then went on to kill himself and two toddler sons. It’s a gut-wrenching story, but I found it important to hear, as if it were a violence-prevention guide of its own accord.

* Hell & Gone Podcast: Arkansas holds deadly secrets, and many of them lie in – yet again – men in authority not doing their jobs

* Man In The Window: Podcast about the serial killer who could have been caught long before he raped & murdered myriad women, (as well as a few dogs) had men in authority simply done their jobs

MEN & BOYS TO: shecounted@gmail.com

Women Count USA is run on a completely volunteer basis by a registered nurse employed full-time. Your support and contributions will help create a fund to pay for access to media sources and newspapers, and fees for this website and a photo hosting site for the women’s photos. It will also help pay for Freedom of Information requests, to hire students to collect data, and to pay registration fees to attend conferences or travel to share this important work.

DONATE THROUGH PATREON HEREhttps://www.patreon.com/WomenCountUSA

Know a fierce female artist, activist, or advocate who could talk about her work on the show?
Email info@rainbowstarmusic.com

Lexington, KY folks can hear the podcast Wednesdays @ 11pm Eastern on RADIOLEX, WLXU, 93.9 FM.

Musings From The Rainbow Sparkle Palace is made possible in large part by your generous contributions.
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